Source code for overpy.exception

[docs]class OverPyException(Exception): """OverPy base exception""" pass
[docs]class DataIncomplete(OverPyException): """ Raised if the requested data isn't available in the result. Try to improve the query or to resolve the missing data. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): OverPyException.__init__( self, "Data incomplete try to improve the query to resolve the missing data", *args, **kwargs )
[docs]class ElementDataWrongType(OverPyException): """ Raised if the provided element does not match the expected type. :param type_expected: The expected element type :type type_expected: String :param type_provided: The provided element type :type type_provided: String|None """ def __init__(self, type_expected, type_provided=None): self.type_expected = type_expected self.type_provided = type_provided def __str__(self): return "Type expected '%s' but '%s' provided" % ( self.type_expected, str(self.type_provided) )
[docs]class MaxRetriesReached(OverPyException): """ Raised if max retries reached and the Overpass server didn't respond with a result. """ def __init__(self, retry_count, exceptions): self.exceptions = exceptions self.retry_count = retry_count def __str__(self): return "Unable get any result from the Overpass API server after %d retries." % self.retry_count
[docs]class OverpassBadRequest(OverPyException): """ Raised if the Overpass API service returns a syntax error. :param query: The encoded query how it was send to the server :type query: Bytes :param msgs: List of error messages :type msgs: List """ def __init__(self, query, msgs=None): self.query = query if msgs is None: msgs = [] self.msgs = msgs def __str__(self): tmp_msgs = [] for tmp_msg in self.msgs: if not isinstance(tmp_msg, str): tmp_msg = str(tmp_msg) tmp_msgs.append(tmp_msg) return "\n".join(tmp_msgs)
[docs]class OverpassError(OverPyException): """ Base exception to report errors if the response returns a remark tag or element. .. note:: If you are not sure which of the subexceptions you should use, use this one and try to parse the message. For more information have a look at :param str msg: The message from the remark tag or element """ def __init__(self, msg=None): #: The message from the remark tag or element self.msg = msg def __str__(self): if self.msg is None: return "No error message provided" if not isinstance(self.msg, str): return str(self.msg) return self.msg
[docs]class OverpassGatewayTimeout(OverPyException): """ Raised if load of the Overpass API service is too high and it can't handle the request. """ def __init__(self): OverPyException.__init__(self, "Server load too high")
[docs]class OverpassRuntimeError(OverpassError): """ Raised if the server returns a remark-tag(xml) or remark element(json) with a message starting with 'runtime error:'. """ pass
[docs]class OverpassRuntimeRemark(OverpassError): """ Raised if the server returns a remark-tag(xml) or remark element(json) with a message starting with 'runtime remark:'. """ pass
[docs]class OverpassTooManyRequests(OverPyException): """ Raised if the Overpass API service returns a 429 status code. """ def __init__(self): OverPyException.__init__(self, "Too many requests")
[docs]class OverpassUnknownContentType(OverPyException): """ Raised if the reported content type isn't handled by OverPy. :param content_type: The reported content type :type content_type: None or String """ def __init__(self, content_type): self.content_type = content_type def __str__(self): if self.content_type is None: return "No content type returned" return "Unknown content type: %s" % self.content_type
[docs]class OverpassUnknownError(OverpassError): """ Raised if the server returns a remark-tag(xml) or remark element(json) and we are unable to find any reason. """ pass
[docs]class OverpassUnknownHTTPStatusCode(OverPyException): """ Raised if the returned HTTP status code isn't handled by OverPy. :param code: The HTTP status code :type code: Integer """ def __init__(self, code): self.code = code def __str__(self): return "Unknown/Unhandled status code: %d" % self.code