Source code for overpy

from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from xml.sax import handler, make_parser
import xml.etree.ElementTree
import json
import re
import time
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, List, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

from overpy import exception
# Ignore flake8 F401 warning for unused vars
from overpy.__about__ import (  # noqa: F401
    __author__, __copyright__, __email__, __license__, __summary__, __title__,
    __uri__, __version__

ElementTypeVar = TypeVar("ElementTypeVar", bound="Element")


# Try to convert some common attributes
    "changeset": int,
    "timestamp": lambda ts: datetime.strptime(ts, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),
    "uid": int,
    "version": int,
    "visible": lambda v: v.lower() == "true"

def is_valid_type(
        element: Union["Area", "Node", "Relation", "Way"],
        cls: Type[Union["Area", "Element", "Node", "Relation", "Way"]]) -> bool:
    Test if an element is of a given type.

    :param element: The element instance to test
    :param cls: The element class to test
    :return: False or True
    return isinstance(element, cls) and is not None

[docs]class Overpass: """ Class to access the Overpass API :cvar default_max_retry_count: Global max number of retries (Default: 0) :cvar default_read_chunk_size: Max size of each chunk read from the server response :cvar default_retry_timeout: Global time to wait between tries (Default: 1.0s) :cvar default_url: Default URL of the Overpass server """ default_max_retry_count: ClassVar[int] = 0 default_read_chunk_size: ClassVar[int] = 4096 default_retry_timeout: ClassVar[float] = 1.0 default_url: ClassVar[str] = "" def __init__( self, read_chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, xml_parser: int = XML_PARSER_SAX, max_retry_count: int = None, retry_timeout: float = None): """ :param read_chunk_size: Max size of each chunk read from the server response :param url: Optional URL of the Overpass server. Defaults to :param xml_parser: The xml parser to use :param max_retry_count: Max number of retries (Default: default_max_retry_count) :param retry_timeout: Time to wait between tries (Default: default_retry_timeout) """ self.url = self.default_url if url is not None: self.url = url self._regex_extract_error_msg = re.compile(br"\<p\>(?P<msg>\<strong\s.*?)\</p\>") self._regex_remove_tag = re.compile(b"<[^>]*?>") if read_chunk_size is None: read_chunk_size = self.default_read_chunk_size self.read_chunk_size = read_chunk_size if max_retry_count is None: max_retry_count = self.default_max_retry_count self.max_retry_count = max_retry_count if retry_timeout is None: retry_timeout = self.default_retry_timeout self.retry_timeout = retry_timeout self.xml_parser = xml_parser @staticmethod def _handle_remark_msg(msg: str) -> NoReturn: """ Try to parse the message provided with the remark tag or element. :param msg: The message :raises overpy.exception.OverpassRuntimeError: If message starts with 'runtime error:' :raises overpy.exception.OverpassRuntimeRemark: If message starts with 'runtime remark:' :raises overpy.exception.OverpassUnknownError: If we are unable to identify the error """ msg = msg.strip() if msg.startswith("runtime error:"): raise exception.OverpassRuntimeError(msg=msg) elif msg.startswith("runtime remark:"): raise exception.OverpassRuntimeRemark(msg=msg) raise exception.OverpassUnknownError(msg=msg)
[docs] def query(self, query: Union[bytes, str]) -> "Result": """ Query the Overpass API :param query: The query string in Overpass QL :return: The parsed result """ if not isinstance(query, bytes): query = query.encode("utf-8") retry_num: int = 0 retry_exceptions: List[exception.OverPyException] = [] do_retry: bool = True if self.max_retry_count > 0 else False while retry_num <= self.max_retry_count: if retry_num > 0: time.sleep(self.retry_timeout) retry_num += 1 try: f = urlopen(self.url, query) except HTTPError as e: f = e response = while True: data = if len(data) == 0: break response = response + data f.close() current_exception: exception.OverPyException if f.code == 200: content_type = f.getheader("Content-Type") if content_type == "application/json": return self.parse_json(response) if content_type == "application/osm3s+xml": return self.parse_xml(response) current_exception = exception.OverpassUnknownContentType(content_type) if not do_retry: raise current_exception retry_exceptions.append(current_exception) continue if f.code == 400: msgs: List[str] = [] for msg_raw in self._regex_extract_error_msg.finditer(response): msg_clean_bytes = self._regex_remove_tag.sub(b"","msg")) try: msg = msg_clean_bytes.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = repr(msg_clean_bytes) msgs.append(msg) current_exception = exception.OverpassBadRequest( query, msgs=msgs ) if not do_retry: raise current_exception retry_exceptions.append(current_exception) continue if f.code == 429: current_exception = exception.OverpassTooManyRequests() if not do_retry: raise current_exception retry_exceptions.append(current_exception) continue if f.code == 504: current_exception = exception.OverpassGatewayTimeout() if not do_retry: raise current_exception retry_exceptions.append(current_exception) continue current_exception = exception.OverpassUnknownHTTPStatusCode(f.code) if not do_retry: raise current_exception retry_exceptions.append(current_exception) continue raise exception.MaxRetriesReached(retry_count=retry_num, exceptions=retry_exceptions)
[docs] def parse_json(self, data: Union[bytes, str], encoding: str = "utf-8") -> "Result": """ Parse raw response from Overpass service. :param data: Raw JSON Data :param encoding: Encoding to decode byte string :return: Result object """ if isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.decode(encoding) data_parsed: dict = json.loads(data, parse_float=Decimal) if "remark" in data_parsed: self._handle_remark_msg(msg=data_parsed.get("remark")) return Result.from_json(data_parsed, api=self)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, data: Union[bytes, str], encoding: str = "utf-8", parser: Optional[int] = None): """ :param data: Raw XML Data :param encoding: Encoding to decode byte string :param parser: The XML parser to use :return: Result object """ if parser is None: parser = self.xml_parser if isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.decode(encoding) m = re.compile("<remark>(?P<msg>[^<>]*)</remark>").search(data) if m: self._handle_remark_msg("msg")) return Result.from_xml(data, api=self, parser=parser)
[docs]class Result: """ Class to handle the result. """ def __init__( self, elements: Optional[List[Union["Area", "Node", "Relation", "Way"]]] = None, api: Optional[Overpass] = None): """ :param elements: List of elements to initialize the result with :param api: The API object to load additional resources and elements """ if elements is None: elements = [] self._areas: Dict[int, Union["Area", "Node", "Relation", "Way"]] = OrderedDict( (, element) for element in elements if is_valid_type(element, Area) ) self._nodes = OrderedDict( (, element) for element in elements if is_valid_type(element, Node) ) self._ways = OrderedDict( (, element) for element in elements if is_valid_type(element, Way) ) self._relations = OrderedDict( (, element) for element in elements if is_valid_type(element, Relation) ) self._class_collection_map: Dict[Any, Any] = { Node: self._nodes, Way: self._ways, Relation: self._relations, Area: self._areas } self.api = api
[docs] def expand(self, other: "Result"): """ Add all elements from an other result to the list of elements of this result object. It is used by the auto resolve feature. :param other: Expand the result with the elements from this result. :raises ValueError: If provided parameter is not instance of :class:`overpy.Result` """ if not isinstance(other, Result): raise ValueError("Provided argument has to be instance of overpy:Result()") other_collection_map: Dict[Type["Element"], List[Union["Area", "Node", "Relation", "Way"]]] = { Area: other.areas, Node: other.nodes, Relation: other.relations, Way: other.ways } for element_type, own_collection in self._class_collection_map.items(): for element in other_collection_map[element_type]: if is_valid_type(element, element_type) and not in own_collection: own_collection[] = element
[docs] def append(self, element: Union["Area", "Node", "Relation", "Way"]): """ Append a new element to the result. :param element: The element to append """ if is_valid_type(element, Element): self._class_collection_map[element.__class__].setdefault(, element)
[docs] def get_elements( self, filter_cls: Type[ElementTypeVar], elem_id: Optional[int] = None) -> List[ElementTypeVar]: """ Get a list of elements from the result and filter the element type by a class. :param filter_cls: :param elem_id: ID of the object :return: List of available elements """ result: List[ElementTypeVar] = [] if elem_id is not None: try: result = [self._class_collection_map[filter_cls][elem_id]] except KeyError: result = [] else: for e in self._class_collection_map[filter_cls].values(): result.append(e) return result
[docs] def get_ids( self, filter_cls: Type[Union["Area", "Node", "Relation", "Way"]]) -> List[int]: """ Get all Element IDs :param filter_cls: Only IDs of elements with this type :return: List of IDs """ return list(self._class_collection_map[filter_cls].keys())
def get_node_ids(self) -> List[int]: return self.get_ids(filter_cls=Node) def get_way_ids(self) -> List[int]: return self.get_ids(filter_cls=Way) def get_relation_ids(self) -> List[int]: return self.get_ids(filter_cls=Relation) def get_area_ids(self) -> List[int]: return self.get_ids(filter_cls=Area)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: dict, api: Optional[Overpass] = None) -> "Result": """ Create a new instance and load data from json object. :param data: JSON data returned by the Overpass API :param api: :return: New instance of Result object """ result = cls(api=api) elem_cls: Type[Union["Area", "Node", "Relation", "Way"]] for elem_cls in [Node, Way, Relation, Area]: for element in data.get("elements", []): e_type = element.get("type") if hasattr(e_type, "lower") and e_type.lower() == elem_cls._type_value: result.append(elem_cls.from_json(element, result=result)) return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml( cls, data: Union[str, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element], api: Optional[Overpass] = None, parser: Optional[int] = None) -> "Result": """ Create a new instance and load data from xml data or object. .. note:: If parser is set to None, the functions tries to find the best parse. By default the SAX parser is chosen if a string is provided as data. The parser is set to DOM if an xml.etree.ElementTree.Element is provided as data value. :param data: Root element :param api: The instance to query additional information if required. :param parser: Specify the parser to use(DOM or SAX)(Default: None = autodetect, defaults to SAX) :return: New instance of Result object """ if parser is None: if isinstance(data, str): parser = XML_PARSER_SAX else: parser = XML_PARSER_DOM result = cls(api=api) if parser == XML_PARSER_DOM: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET if isinstance(data, str): root = ET.fromstring(data) elif isinstance(data, ET.Element): root = data else: raise exception.OverPyException("Unable to detect data type.") elem_cls: Type[Union["Area", "Node", "Relation", "Way"]] for elem_cls in [Node, Way, Relation, Area]: for child in root: if child.tag.lower() == elem_cls._type_value: result.append(elem_cls.from_xml(child, result=result)) elif parser == XML_PARSER_SAX: from io import StringIO if not isinstance(data, str): raise ValueError("data must be of type str if using the SAX parser") source = StringIO(data) sax_handler = OSMSAXHandler(result) sax_parser = make_parser() sax_parser.setContentHandler(sax_handler) sax_parser.parse(source) else: # ToDo: better exception raise Exception("Unknown XML parser") return result
[docs] def get_area(self, area_id: int, resolve_missing: bool = False) -> "Area": """ Get an area by its ID. :param area_id: The area ID :param resolve_missing: Query the Overpass API if the area is missing in the result set. :return: The area :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: The requested way is not available in the result cache. :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: If resolve_missing is True and the area can't be resolved. """ areas = self.get_areas(area_id=area_id) if len(areas) == 0: if resolve_missing is False: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Resolve missing area is disabled") query = ("\n" "[out:json];\n" "area({area_id});\n" "out body;\n" ) query = query.format( area_id=area_id ) tmp_result = self.api.query(query) self.expand(tmp_result) areas = self.get_areas(area_id=area_id) if len(areas) == 0: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Unable to resolve requested areas") return areas[0]
[docs] def get_areas(self, area_id: Optional[int] = None) -> List["Area"]: """ Alias for get_elements() but filter the result by Area :param area_id: The Id of the area :return: List of elements """ return self.get_elements(Area, elem_id=area_id)
[docs] def get_node(self, node_id: int, resolve_missing: bool = False) -> "Node": """ Get a node by its ID. :param node_id: The node ID :param resolve_missing: Query the Overpass API if the node is missing in the result set. :return: The node :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: At least one referenced node is not available in the result cache. :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: If resolve_missing is True and at least one node can't be resolved. """ nodes = self.get_nodes(node_id=node_id) if len(nodes) == 0: if not resolve_missing: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Resolve missing nodes is disabled") query = ("\n" "[out:json];\n" "node({node_id});\n" "out body;\n" ) query = query.format( node_id=node_id ) tmp_result = self.api.query(query) self.expand(tmp_result) nodes = self.get_nodes(node_id=node_id) if len(nodes) == 0: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Unable to resolve all nodes") return nodes[0]
[docs] def get_nodes(self, node_id: Optional[int] = None) -> List["Node"]: """ Alias for get_elements() but filter the result by Node() :param node_id: The Id of the node :type node_id: Integer :return: List of elements """ return self.get_elements(Node, elem_id=node_id)
[docs] def get_relation(self, rel_id: int, resolve_missing: bool = False) -> "Relation": """ Get a relation by its ID. :param rel_id: The relation ID :param resolve_missing: Query the Overpass API if the relation is missing in the result set. :return: The relation :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: The requested relation is not available in the result cache. :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: If resolve_missing is True and the relation can't be resolved. """ relations = self.get_relations(rel_id=rel_id) if len(relations) == 0: if resolve_missing is False: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Resolve missing relations is disabled") query = ("\n" "[out:json];\n" "relation({relation_id});\n" "out body;\n" ) query = query.format( relation_id=rel_id ) tmp_result = self.api.query(query) self.expand(tmp_result) relations = self.get_relations(rel_id=rel_id) if len(relations) == 0: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Unable to resolve requested reference") return relations[0]
[docs] def get_relations(self, rel_id: int = None) -> List["Relation"]: """ Alias for get_elements() but filter the result by Relation :param rel_id: Id of the relation :return: List of elements """ return self.get_elements(Relation, elem_id=rel_id)
[docs] def get_way(self, way_id: int, resolve_missing: bool = False) -> "Way": """ Get a way by its ID. :param way_id: The way ID :param resolve_missing: Query the Overpass API if the way is missing in the result set. :return: The way :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: The requested way is not available in the result cache. :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: If resolve_missing is True and the way can't be resolved. """ ways = self.get_ways(way_id=way_id) if len(ways) == 0: if resolve_missing is False: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Resolve missing way is disabled") query = ("\n" "[out:json];\n" "way({way_id});\n" "out body;\n" ) query = query.format( way_id=way_id ) tmp_result = self.api.query(query) self.expand(tmp_result) ways = self.get_ways(way_id=way_id) if len(ways) == 0: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Unable to resolve requested way") return ways[0]
[docs] def get_ways(self, way_id: Optional[int] = None) -> List["Way"]: """ Alias for get_elements() but filter the result by Way :param way_id: The Id of the way :return: List of elements """ return self.get_elements(Way, elem_id=way_id)
area_ids = property(get_area_ids) areas = property(get_areas) node_ids = property(get_node_ids) nodes = property(get_nodes) relation_ids = property(get_relation_ids) relations = property(get_relations) way_ids = property(get_way_ids) ways = property(get_ways)
[docs]class Element: """ Base element """ _type_value: str def __init__(self, attributes: Optional[dict] = None, result: Optional[Result] = None, tags: Optional[Dict] = None): """ :param attributes: Additional attributes :param result: The result object this element belongs to :param tags: List of tags """ self._result = result self.attributes = attributes # ToDo: Add option to modify attribute modifiers attribute_modifiers: Dict[str, Callable] = dict(GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIERS.items()) for n, m in attribute_modifiers.items(): if n in self.attributes: self.attributes[n] = m(self.attributes[n]) int self.tags = tags
[docs] @classmethod def get_center_from_json(cls, data: dict) -> Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]: """ Get center information from json data :param data: json data :return: tuple with two elements: lat and lon """ center_lat = None center_lon = None center = data.get("center") if isinstance(center, dict): center_lat = center.get("lat") center_lon = center.get("lon") if center_lat is None or center_lon is None: raise ValueError("Unable to get lat or lon of way center.") center_lat = Decimal(center_lat) center_lon = Decimal(center_lon) return center_lat, center_lon
@classmethod def get_center_from_xml_dom(cls, sub_child: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) -> Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]: center_lat_str: str = sub_child.attrib.get("lat") center_lon_str: str = sub_child.attrib.get("lon") if center_lat_str is None or center_lon_str is None: raise ValueError("Unable to get lat or lon of way center.") center_lat = Decimal(center_lat_str) center_lon = Decimal(center_lon_str) return center_lat, center_lon
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls: Type[ElementTypeVar], data: dict, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> ElementTypeVar: """ Create new Element() from json data :param data: :param result: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml( cls: Type[ElementTypeVar], child: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> ElementTypeVar: """ Create new Element() element from XML data """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Area(Element): """ Class to represent an element of type area """ _type_value = "area" def __init__(self, area_id: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs): """ :param area_id: Id of the area element :param kwargs: Additional arguments are passed directly to the parent class """ Element.__init__(self, **kwargs) #: The id of the way = area_id def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<overpy.Area id={}>"
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: dict, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "Area": """ Create new Area element from JSON data :param data: Element data from JSON :param result: The result this element belongs to :return: New instance of Way :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If type value of the passed JSON data does not match. """ if data.get("type") != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=data.get("type") ) tags = data.get("tags", {}) area_id = data.get("id") attributes = {} ignore = ["id", "tags", "type"] for n, v in data.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v return cls(area_id=area_id, attributes=attributes, tags=tags, result=result)
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, child: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "Area": """ Create new way element from XML data :param child: XML node to be parsed :param result: The result this node belongs to :return: New Way oject :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If name of the xml child node doesn't match :raises ValueError: If the ref attribute of the xml node is not provided :raises ValueError: If a tag doesn't have a name """ if child.tag.lower() != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=child.tag.lower() ) tags = {} for sub_child in child: if sub_child.tag.lower() == "tag": name = sub_child.attrib.get("k") if name is None: raise ValueError("Tag without name/key.") value = sub_child.attrib.get("v") tags[name] = value area_id_str: Optional[str] = child.attrib.get("id") area_id: Optional[int] = None if area_id_str is not None: area_id = int(area_id_str) attributes = {} ignore = ["id"] for n, v in child.attrib.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v return cls(area_id=area_id, attributes=attributes, tags=tags, result=result)
[docs]class Node(Element): """ Class to represent an element of type node """ _type_value = "node" def __init__( self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, lat: Optional[Union[Decimal, float]] = None, lon: Optional[Union[Decimal, float]] = None, **kwargs): """ :param lat: Latitude :param lon: Longitude :param node_id: Id of the node element :param kwargs: Additional arguments are passed directly to the parent class """ Element.__init__(self, **kwargs) = node_id = lat self.lon = lon def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<overpy.Node id={} lat={} lon={self.lon}>"
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: dict, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "Node": """ Create new Node element from JSON data :param data: Element data from JSON :param result: The result this element belongs to :return: New instance of Node :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If type value of the passed JSON data does not match. """ if data.get("type") != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=data.get("type") ) tags = data.get("tags", {}) node_id = data.get("id") lat = data.get("lat") lon = data.get("lon") attributes = {} ignore = ["type", "id", "lat", "lon", "tags"] for n, v in data.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v return cls(node_id=node_id, lat=lat, lon=lon, tags=tags, attributes=attributes, result=result)
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, child: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "Node": """ Create new way element from XML data :param child: XML node to be parsed :param result: The result this node belongs to :return: New Way oject :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If name of the xml child node doesn't match :raises ValueError: If a tag doesn't have a name """ if child.tag.lower() != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=child.tag.lower() ) tags = {} for sub_child in child: if sub_child.tag.lower() == "tag": name = sub_child.attrib.get("k") if name is None: raise ValueError("Tag without name/key.") value = sub_child.attrib.get("v") tags[name] = value node_id: Optional[int] = None node_id_str: Optional[str] = child.attrib.get("id") if node_id_str is not None: node_id = int(node_id_str) lat: Optional[Decimal] = None lat_str: Optional[str] = child.attrib.get("lat") if lat_str is not None: lat = Decimal(lat_str) lon: Optional[Decimal] = None lon_str: Optional[str] = child.attrib.get("lon") if lon_str is not None: lon = Decimal(lon_str) attributes = {} ignore = ["id", "lat", "lon"] for n, v in child.attrib.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v return cls(node_id=node_id, lat=lat, lon=lon, tags=tags, attributes=attributes, result=result)
[docs]class Way(Element): """ Class to represent an element of type way """ _type_value = "way" def __init__( self, way_id: Optional[int] = None, center_lat: Optional[Union[Decimal, float]] = None, center_lon: Optional[Union[Decimal, float]] = None, node_ids: Optional[Union[List[int], Tuple[int]]] = None, **kwargs): """ :param node_ids: List of node IDs :param way_id: Id of the way element :param kwargs: Additional arguments are passed directly to the parent class """ Element.__init__(self, **kwargs) #: The id of the way = way_id #: List of Ids of the associated nodes self._node_ids = node_ids #: The lat/lon of the center of the way (optional depending on query) self.center_lat = center_lat self.center_lon = center_lon def __repr__(self): return f"<overpy.Way id={} nodes={self._node_ids}>" @property def nodes(self) -> List[Node]: """ List of nodes associated with the way. """ return self.get_nodes()
[docs] def get_nodes(self, resolve_missing: bool = False) -> List[Node]: """ Get the nodes defining the geometry of the way :param resolve_missing: Try to resolve missing nodes. :return: List of nodes :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: At least one referenced node is not available in the result cache. :raises overpy.exception.DataIncomplete: If resolve_missing is True and at least one node can't be resolved. """ result = [] resolved = False for node_id in self._node_ids: try: node = self._result.get_node(node_id) except exception.DataIncomplete: node = None if node is not None: result.append(node) continue if not resolve_missing: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Resolve missing nodes is disabled") # We tried to resolve the data but some nodes are still missing if resolved: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Unable to resolve all nodes") query = ("\n" "[out:json];\n" "way({way_id});\n" "node(w);\n" "out body;\n" ) query = query.format( ) tmp_result = self._result.api.query(query) self._result.expand(tmp_result) resolved = True try: node = self._result.get_node(node_id) except exception.DataIncomplete: node = None if node is None: raise exception.DataIncomplete("Unable to resolve all nodes") result.append(node) return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: dict, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "Way": """ Create new Way element from JSON data :param data: Element data from JSON :param result: The result this element belongs to :return: New instance of Way :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If type value of the passed JSON data does not match. """ if data.get("type") != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=data.get("type") ) tags = data.get("tags", {}) way_id = data.get("id") node_ids = data.get("nodes") (center_lat, center_lon) = cls.get_center_from_json(data=data) attributes = {} ignore = ["center", "id", "nodes", "tags", "type"] for n, v in data.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v return cls( attributes=attributes, center_lat=center_lat, center_lon=center_lon, node_ids=node_ids, tags=tags, result=result, way_id=way_id )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, child: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "Way": """ Create new way element from XML data :param child: XML node to be parsed :param result: The result this node belongs to :return: New Way oject :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If name of the xml child node doesn't match :raises ValueError: If the ref attribute of the xml node is not provided :raises ValueError: If a tag doesn't have a name """ if child.tag.lower() != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=child.tag.lower() ) tags = {} node_ids = [] center_lat = None center_lon = None for sub_child in child: if sub_child.tag.lower() == "tag": name = sub_child.attrib.get("k") if name is None: raise ValueError("Tag without name/key.") value = sub_child.attrib.get("v") tags[name] = value if sub_child.tag.lower() == "nd": ref_id_str = sub_child.attrib.get("ref") if ref_id_str is None: raise ValueError("Unable to find required ref value.") ref_id: int = int(ref_id_str) node_ids.append(ref_id) if sub_child.tag.lower() == "center": (center_lat, center_lon) = cls.get_center_from_xml_dom(sub_child=sub_child) way_id: Optional[int] = None way_id_str: Optional[str] = child.attrib.get("id") if way_id_str is not None: way_id = int(way_id_str) attributes = {} ignore = ["id"] for n, v in child.attrib.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v return cls(way_id=way_id, center_lat=center_lat, center_lon=center_lon, attributes=attributes, node_ids=node_ids, tags=tags, result=result)
[docs]class Relation(Element): """ Class to represent an element of type relation """ _type_value = "relation" def __init__( self, rel_id: Optional[int] = None, center_lat: Optional[Union[Decimal, float]] = None, center_lon: Optional[Union[Decimal, float]] = None, members: Optional[List["RelationMember"]] = None, **kwargs): """ :param members: :param rel_id: Id of the relation element :param kwargs: :return: """ Element.__init__(self, **kwargs) = rel_id self.members = members #: The lat/lon of the center of the way (optional depending on query) self.center_lat = center_lat self.center_lon = center_lon def __repr__(self): return f"<overpy.Relation id={}>"
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: dict, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "Relation": """ Create new Relation element from JSON data :param data: Element data from JSON :param result: The result this element belongs to :return: New instance of Relation :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If type value of the passed JSON data does not match. """ if data.get("type") != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=data.get("type") ) tags = data.get("tags", {}) rel_id = data.get("id") (center_lat, center_lon) = cls.get_center_from_json(data=data) members = [] supported_members = [RelationNode, RelationWay, RelationRelation] for member in data.get("members", []): type_value = member.get("type") for member_cls in supported_members: if member_cls._type_value == type_value: members.append( member_cls.from_json( member, result=result ) ) attributes = {} ignore = ["id", "members", "tags", "type"] for n, v in data.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v return cls( rel_id=rel_id, attributes=attributes, center_lat=center_lat, center_lon=center_lon, members=members, tags=tags, result=result )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, child: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "Relation": """ Create new way element from XML data :param child: XML node to be parsed :param result: The result this node belongs to :return: New Way oject :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If name of the xml child node doesn't match :raises ValueError: If a tag doesn't have a name """ if child.tag.lower() != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=child.tag.lower() ) tags = {} members = [] center_lat = None center_lon = None supported_members = [RelationNode, RelationWay, RelationRelation, RelationArea] for sub_child in child: if sub_child.tag.lower() == "tag": name = sub_child.attrib.get("k") if name is None: raise ValueError("Tag without name/key.") value = sub_child.attrib.get("v") tags[name] = value if sub_child.tag.lower() == "member": type_value = sub_child.attrib.get("type") for member_cls in supported_members: if member_cls._type_value == type_value: members.append( member_cls.from_xml( sub_child, result=result ) ) if sub_child.tag.lower() == "center": (center_lat, center_lon) = cls.get_center_from_xml_dom(sub_child=sub_child) rel_id: Optional[int] = None rel_id_str: Optional[str] = child.attrib.get("id") if rel_id_str is not None: rel_id = int(rel_id_str) attributes = {} ignore = ["id"] for n, v in child.attrib.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v return cls( rel_id=rel_id, attributes=attributes, center_lat=center_lat, center_lon=center_lon, members=members, tags=tags, result=result )
[docs]class RelationMember: """ Base class to represent a member of a relation. """ _type_value: Optional[str] = None def __init__( self, attributes: Optional[dict] = None, geometry: Optional[List["RelationWayGeometryValue"]] = None, ref: Optional[int] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, result: Optional[Result] = None): """ :param ref: Reference Id :type ref: Integer :param role: The role of the relation member :type role: String :param result: """ self.ref = ref self._result = result self.role = role self.attributes = attributes self.geometry = geometry
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: dict, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "RelationMember": """ Create new RelationMember element from JSON data :param data: Element data from JSON :param result: The result this element belongs to :return: New instance of RelationMember :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If type value of the passed JSON data does not match. """ if data.get("type") != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=data.get("type") ) ref = data.get("ref") role = data.get("role") attributes = {} ignore = ["geometry", "type", "ref", "role"] for n, v in data.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v geometry = data.get("geometry") if isinstance(geometry, list): geometry_orig = geometry geometry = [] for v in geometry_orig: geometry.append( RelationWayGeometryValue( lat=v.get("lat"), lon=v.get("lon") ) ) else: geometry = None return cls( attributes=attributes, geometry=geometry, ref=ref, role=role, result=result )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml( cls, child: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, result: Optional[Result] = None) -> "RelationMember": """ Create new RelationMember from XML data :param child: XML node to be parsed :param result: The result this element belongs to :return: New relation member oject :raises overpy.exception.ElementDataWrongType: If name of the xml child node doesn't match """ if child.attrib.get("type") != cls._type_value: raise exception.ElementDataWrongType( type_expected=cls._type_value, type_provided=child.tag.lower() ) ref: Optional[int] = None ref_str: Optional[str] = child.attrib.get("ref") if ref_str is not None: ref = int(ref_str) role: Optional[str] = child.attrib.get("role") attributes = {} ignore = ["geometry", "ref", "role", "type"] for n, v in child.attrib.items(): if n in ignore: continue attributes[n] = v geometry = None for sub_child in child: if sub_child.tag.lower() == "nd": if geometry is None: geometry = [] geometry.append( RelationWayGeometryValue( lat=Decimal(sub_child.attrib["lat"]), lon=Decimal(sub_child.attrib["lon"]) ) ) return cls( attributes=attributes, geometry=geometry, ref=ref, role=role, result=result )
[docs]class RelationNode(RelationMember): _type_value = "node" def resolve(self, resolve_missing: bool = False) -> Node: return self._result.get_node(self.ref, resolve_missing=resolve_missing) def __repr__(self): return f"<overpy.RelationNode ref={self.ref} role={self.role}>"
[docs]class RelationWay(RelationMember): _type_value = "way" def resolve(self, resolve_missing: bool = False) -> Way: return self._result.get_way(self.ref, resolve_missing=resolve_missing) def __repr__(self): return f"<overpy.RelationWay ref={self.ref} role={self.role}>"
class RelationWayGeometryValue: def __init__(self, lat: Union[Decimal, float], lon: Union[Decimal, float]): = lat self.lon = lon def __repr__(self): return f"<overpy.RelationWayGeometryValue lat={} lon={self.lon}>" class RelationRelation(RelationMember): _type_value = "relation" def resolve(self, resolve_missing: bool = False) -> Relation: return self._result.get_relation(self.ref, resolve_missing=resolve_missing) def __repr__(self): return f"<overpy.RelationRelation ref={self.ref} role={self.role}>"
[docs]class RelationArea(RelationMember): _type_value = "area" def resolve(self, resolve_missing: bool = False) -> Area: return self._result.get_area(self.ref, resolve_missing=resolve_missing) def __repr__(self): return f"<overpy.RelationArea ref={self.ref} role={self.role}>"
class OSMSAXHandler(handler.ContentHandler): """ SAX parser for Overpass XML response. """ #: Tuple of opening elements to ignore ignore_start: ClassVar = ('osm', 'meta', 'note', 'bounds', 'remark') #: Tuple of closing elements to ignore ignore_end: ClassVar = ('osm', 'meta', 'note', 'bounds', 'remark', 'tag', 'nd', 'center') def __init__(self, result: Result): """ :param result: Append results to this result set. """ handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self) self._result = result self._curr: Dict[str, Any] = {} #: Current relation member object self.cur_relation_member: Optional[RelationMember] = None def startElement(self, name: str, attrs: dict): """ Handle opening elements. :param name: Name of the element :param attrs: Attributes of the element """ if name in self.ignore_start: return try: handler = getattr(self, '_handle_start_%s' % name) except AttributeError: raise KeyError("Unknown element start '%s'" % name) handler(attrs) def endElement(self, name: str): """ Handle closing elements :param name: Name of the element """ if name in self.ignore_end: return try: handler = getattr(self, '_handle_end_%s' % name) except AttributeError: raise KeyError("Unknown element end '%s'" % name) handler() def _handle_start_center(self, attrs: dict): """ Handle opening center element :param attrs: Attributes of the element :type attrs: Dict """ center_lat = attrs.get("lat") center_lon = attrs.get("lon") if center_lat is None or center_lon is None: raise ValueError("Unable to get lat or lon of way center.") self._curr["center_lat"] = Decimal(center_lat) self._curr["center_lon"] = Decimal(center_lon) def _handle_start_tag(self, attrs: dict): """ Handle opening tag element :param attrs: Attributes of the element """ try: tag_key = attrs['k'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Tag without name/key.") self._curr['tags'][tag_key] = attrs.get('v') def _handle_start_node(self, attrs: dict): """ Handle opening node element :param attrs: Attributes of the element """ self._curr = { 'attributes': dict(attrs), 'lat': None, 'lon': None, 'node_id': None, 'tags': {} } if attrs.get('id', None) is not None: self._curr['node_id'] = int(attrs['id']) del self._curr['attributes']['id'] if attrs.get('lat', None) is not None: self._curr['lat'] = Decimal(attrs['lat']) del self._curr['attributes']['lat'] if attrs.get('lon', None) is not None: self._curr['lon'] = Decimal(attrs['lon']) del self._curr['attributes']['lon'] def _handle_end_node(self): """ Handle closing node element """ self._result.append(Node(result=self._result, **self._curr)) self._curr = {} def _handle_start_way(self, attrs: dict): """ Handle opening way element :param attrs: Attributes of the element """ self._curr = { 'center_lat': None, 'center_lon': None, 'attributes': dict(attrs), 'node_ids': [], 'tags': {}, 'way_id': None } if attrs.get('id', None) is not None: self._curr['way_id'] = int(attrs['id']) del self._curr['attributes']['id'] def _handle_end_way(self): """ Handle closing way element """ self._result.append(Way(result=self._result, **self._curr)) self._curr = {} def _handle_start_area(self, attrs: dict): """ Handle opening area element :param attrs: Attributes of the element """ self._curr = { 'attributes': dict(attrs), 'tags': {}, 'area_id': None } if attrs.get('id', None) is not None: self._curr['area_id'] = int(attrs['id']) del self._curr['attributes']['id'] def _handle_end_area(self): """ Handle closing area element """ self._result.append(Area(result=self._result, **self._curr)) self._curr = {} def _handle_start_nd(self, attrs: dict): """ Handle opening nd element :param attrs: Attributes of the element """ if isinstance(self.cur_relation_member, RelationWay): if self.cur_relation_member.geometry is None: self.cur_relation_member.geometry = [] self.cur_relation_member.geometry.append( RelationWayGeometryValue( lat=Decimal(attrs["lat"]), lon=Decimal(attrs["lon"]) ) ) else: try: node_ref = attrs['ref'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unable to find required ref value.") self._curr['node_ids'].append(int(node_ref)) def _handle_start_relation(self, attrs: dict): """ Handle opening relation element :param attrs: Attributes of the element """ self._curr = { 'attributes': dict(attrs), 'members': [], 'rel_id': None, 'tags': {} } if attrs.get('id', None) is not None: self._curr['rel_id'] = int(attrs['id']) del self._curr['attributes']['id'] def _handle_end_relation(self): """ Handle closing relation element """ self._result.append(Relation(result=self._result, **self._curr)) self._curr = {} def _handle_start_member(self, attrs: dict): """ Handle opening member element :param attrs: Attributes of the element """ params: Dict[str, Any] = { # ToDo: Parse attributes 'attributes': {}, 'ref': None, 'result': self._result, 'role': None } if attrs.get('ref', None): params['ref'] = int(attrs['ref']) if attrs.get('role', None): params['role'] = attrs['role'] cls_map = { "area": RelationArea, "node": RelationNode, "relation": RelationRelation, "way": RelationWay } cls: Type[RelationMember] = cls_map.get(attrs["type"]) if cls is None: raise ValueError("Undefined type for member: '%s'" % attrs['type']) self.cur_relation_member = cls(**params) self._curr['members'].append(self.cur_relation_member) def _handle_end_member(self): self.cur_relation_member = None